Toys for Tots

2nd Annual BNI SW Florida Toys for Tots Drive

As business owners and top sales professionals, we have the ability to make an impact and give back! As an organization we even have a bigger ability to make an impact in our communities. This year BNI SW Florida has decided to adopt Toys for Tots as our way to make that impact. Can you imagine if all 1,400 plus members participated and we collected 1,400 toys for kids?

How can we participate?

During the 1st or 2nd week of December (you designate the meeting) we are calling on all chapters to do the following BNI Meeting Stimulant and to prepare your members begin announcing it now in your chapter meetings on your chapter Facebook Pages,and in your chapter email groups.

Toys for Tots Meeting Stimulant

During the 1st or 2nd week (you designate the meeting) of December All members bring a new un- wrapped toy to your chapter meeting to use during their weekly presentation.

Example: My Name is John Doe with ABC Construction. Today I have with me a box of Lego’s. Just like a child will take these Lego’s and build their dream creation. We at ABC Construction can make your dreams become a reality when we build your new home.

Example: My name is Jane Doe with XYZ Automotive. Today I have with me a remote-control car. A kid will not get the enjoyment out of this toy without the batteries. At XYZ Automotive we do a free battery check and a 21-point inspection to make sure you don’t get caught broke down this winter

After the Meeting

Take a picture of all your chapter members with the toy donations and put it on your chapter Face- book page. Also, send a photo and the number of toys collected to [email protected] and we will post it on our BNI SW Florida Facebook Page promoting your contribution.

Collect the toys brought to the meeting and take them to the nearest local Toys for Tots Drop Sites listed on their website:

Toys for Tots Drop Deadline Thursday December 20th at their locations

Q: What is an acceptable donation?

An acceptable donation is a NEW unwrapped toy. Some examples of these are Nerf Guns, actionfigures, dolls, baby toys, puzzles and non-realistic looking weapons.

Toys for Tots Does NOT ACCEPT clothes, food, used or open toys, liquid products (such as co-logne, perfume, body wash, lotion, toothpaste etc.). If you desire to donate these items, please find acharity in your local area that will accept them.

We know that many BNI Chapters are already participating in some type of cause to support a good deed this holiday season. If you haven’t yet chosen a way to give back this season or would like to do another one we hope you will consider doing this with us. We know it will be fun, creative way to bring people together and help others.

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